Dr Nicole Johnston joins me to share her soon-to-be-published research, confirming what many in strata have known to be true for quite some time: owners are not meeting their legal duty to properly repair and maintain their buildings, and it’s probably time for some government intervention.

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4 Responses

  1. Thanks Amanda for the information. According to the ABC website there was a gas leak that I believe the government relies on contractors. It caused a death and some people became Homeless. Housing needs to be treated as places to live in not places to make money. At the moment strata living is very expensive instead of us having better regulations we are in a World we need to pay for all kind of professions to keep us safe and it’s doing the contrary.
    Why is the Fire Brigade need to work in that kind of condition?
    “NSW Search and Rescue Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell said the blast had caused “total destruction” to the townhouse.

    One person died, five people were injured, four units in the complex collapsed and nearby properties were damaged in the explosion, which was heard kilometres away.

    Windows in homes several streets away cracked, or blew in with the force of the explosion, and the scene was described as “confronting” for emergency service personnel.”
    Thanks and I hope the Regulators fix the problem in housing instead of causing more Misery to All.

  2. is there any legislation requiring individual owners to be proactive in doing regular inspections of common property wet areas for example. Instead of waiting for the collapse of waterproofing, cracked grouting and lack of sealing to shower tiles – which then results in maajor Owners Corp expense. Main cuplrits I find are rental units

    1. The duty to properly repair and maintain common property that is in section 106 of the Strata Schemes Management Act (NSW) has been interpreted by our courts to include a proactive duty to ensure the common property does not fall into disrepair.

      -Amanda Farmer

  3. Dr Johnston makes many valuable points in this podcast indeed; standouts are many, but two that especially took may attention :

    * requirement for proactivity. That’s a wise principle for Life generally, but absolutely critical for OCs and their building maintenance responsibilities. “A stitch in time…” saying hasn’t echoed down the centuries for no reason! And from perspective of building I chair, the amount of $ that could have been saved by OC adopting that approach earlier with plumbing upgrades etc is just sad.
    * name of legislation in Singapore specifying “Building Maintenance & Strata Act”: what a gloriously straightforward way of communicating to owners the nature of their responsibilities! Handy indeed if a “Watch My Lips Moment” is needed when pushing for adequate funding in AGMs.

    Thanks to you both for the podcast. Will look forward to reading the report.

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