QLD strata lawyer Andrew Suttie and I are pondering precisely what it is that makes a strata lawyer join their own strata committee. And what could possibly go wrong when they do…

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5 Responses

  1. I really enjoyed that! So interesting to hear the perspectives and experiences of two strata lawyers who have served on strata committees.

    The discussion made me wonder why, in so many committees, there is such reluctance to comply with legislation and why the authorities (eg Fairtrading in NSW) don’t do more to promote compliance by committees and owners.

  2. I don’t think this answered the key question for lawyer/committee members, i.e where is the line between legal advice ( subject to AGLC) versus committee member opinion. For example, so say we need X for a quorum or here’s how we can tow that car might be in either category.

  3. Thanks AmandaI enjoy the podcast.
    I know that in a building of 100/200/300 Lots you probably need all kind of experts , counsellors, lawyers engineers….Why does not Fair Trading make life simpler and tell us what we should do and not do?
    I believe that Strata Living is going up and up and it does not show value for money or healthy and caring communities.

    1. Too many owners who view strata living as the privilege of self determination because they feel the mob rule nature of a general meeting is democracy.

      1. And what is wrong with “mob rule “when you move into a strata unit surely you have done your homework & know that it is “mob rule “

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