Article: the difficulty of repealing an exclusive use by-law
In order for an owners corporation to repeal an exclusive use by-law that confers on the owner of a lot, or the owners of several lots, certain rights or privileges to use a part of the common property, section 52 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (“SSMA”) requires the written consent of the owner(s) of the lot(s) concerned. In general, this means the written consent of the owners receiving the benefit of the common property in question.
Article: 6 ways to ensure an efficient strata meeting
Now and then I am called upon to attend strata meetings on behalf of lot owners, owners corporations or strata managers. Over the years, I have picked up a few tips comes to the way in which an efficient strata meeting is run. Here are 6:
6 things you absolutely must know about owning a strata property
Strata essentials: these are the 6 things you absolutely must know about owning a strata property: by-laws, levies, lot property vs common property, meetings, strata manager, committee.
Article: court of appeal finds strata schemes may retrospectively approve legal action
December 2014 saw two decisions of the NSW Court of Appeal confirm the effect of section 80D of the Strata Schemes Management Act. This is the section that requires legal action to be approved by the general meeting if the reasonably estimated costs of taking that action exceed the amounts stipulated in the Regulation (currently $1000…