Book Amanda: Service Level 2


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Fast, accurate, expert advice and representation: at your fingertips.
You can book Amanda right now. It’s quick and easy.

Level 2 approximate equivalent 5 hours legal work and suitable for:

  • General and committee meeting attendances (including chairing of meetings)
  • Advice on standard-form contracts
  • Drafting some standard contracts (eg caretaker and building management agreements, car parking licenses)
  • Drafting or review of simple development documents including by-laws suitable for registration with strata plan
  • Advice on and attendances at mediation
  • Some adjudication matters & some Tribunal appearances


If you think you will need less than 5 hours of legal work, have a look at level 1 or if you think you will need more, have a look at level 3.

Please note: no member or other discounts apply to this product.


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Legal Service Level 2: $4,125:

(approximate equivalent: 5 hours legal work – price GST inclusive)

This is suitable for general and committee meeting attendances (including chairing of meetings), advice on standard-form contracts; drafting some standard contracts (eg caretaker and building management agreements, car parking licenses), drafting or review of simple development documents including by-laws suitable for registration with strata plan, advice on and attendances at mediation, some adjudication matters, some Tribunal appearances.

You can book Amanda right now. It’s quick and easy:

On completion of your purchase, Amanda will receive a notification that you wish to book her services. You’ll receive an email seeking further information to ensure that Amanda does not have a conflict of interest in acting for you. Once the conflict check is complete, you’ll be able to book in time with Amanda.

Your money is trust money

The amount you pay now goes directly to Amanda’s trust account, established and operated according to the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW). This means she cannot use your money to pay her legal fees until she has sent you an invoice. When you get that invoice, if you don’t feel you’ve got what you paid for, let Amanda know and she will do everything possible to resolve your concerns. She’s a lawyer, that’s her professional standard, and her duty to her client.

How long does it take?

You can ask Amanda to complete her work for you over a short period of time (one or two days, subject to Amanda’s availability and recommendations), or call on Amanda’s time as and when it suits you. It’s entirely up to you.

What about the bill?

An invoice will be issued at the conclusion of the service. Where the work takes longer than one month, interim invoices will be issued at the end of each month

Are you an owners corporation or strata committee?

If you are an owners corporation or a strata committee, you can certainly use this method to engage Amanda. A strata committee meeting should be convened as soon as possible after booking, to ratify Amanda’s engagement.

You will need a general meeting to approve any non-urgent legal services exceeding a cost of $3,000.


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