In this (3 min) video, Amanda Farmer explains how to legally convene a general meeting in NSW that is attended only by one person, for the purpose of resolving to conduct future meetings electronically or in writing. 

3 Responses

  1. Hi Amanda

    Thank you for this ‘work around’. Our ‘work around’ for committees in the same position is to hold a meeting by paper vote with only two motions:
    1. Minutes of previous committee meeting
    2. Voting by other means
    Do you see any problems with this approach?

  2. Hello. I can see the process however at the moment the ex-president is determined to hold the agm as agreed in April. The secretary is in agreement. There is only one other committee member and myself on the committee. I’m concerned that we don’t have a resolution to hold meetings By other means other than by email (resolved at 2018 agm). Here is the response from the strata manager To my question

    Do we have a resolution that outlines manner of voting and/or permits voting by other means?

    The Owners Corp approved email meetings in 2018 AGM.
    I will add L&W resolution to allow all means of voting to the agenda to cover telecon and video link etc..
    I will also provide voting papers and teleconference option.

    Would the agm to be held in 2 weeks be a legal process? I’m grappling with the grey in this situation.

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