This week, I’m chatting to Chris Sargeant, the building manager at Whitehorse Towers – Melbourne’s tallest residential complex outside of the central CBD. Chris shares his experience helping very large new buildings through defects liability periods. We also cover his key takeaways from the Lacrosse building, where he was the BM at the time of the fire.

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3 Responses

  1. It seems that prior to The 2017 amended law regarding renovations, unit owners were free to renovate without approval from either Strata committees or Strata Managers.
    If you have reference to previous legislation, I would appreciate either a copy or a link to find the law in question.
    I recently stopped a renovation going ahead until approval of the owners corporation, to much screaming and yelling.

  2. Hi James, even under the 1996 (NSW) Act, unit owners needed permission to do work affecting the common property. This has not changed under our 2015 Act (which took effect 30 Nov 2016). Michael has helpfully directed you to section 110, which will assist. Also see section 109, and 108. The previous legislation was very similar, save that it did not differentiate between cosmetic and minor work the way the new legislation does. In fact, under the previous legislation, much of the ‘cosmetic work’ now exempt from approval per new section 109, required approval. So – the previous legislation was in fact more onerous.

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