Natalie Fitzgerald is a strata manager determined to improve the working lives of strata managers, with an understanding that change must come from within.

In this chat, Natalie shares her thoughts on:

and more.

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3 Responses

  1. Education, education, education… Natalie expresses many noteworthy views in this interview, and I will just comment on the aspect of education of OC members. Long have I had great sympathy for strata managers who must deal with contact from that group of OC members who have sadly become almost a parody of themselves, ie those who are apathetic about/ignore AGMs, but then plague SMs with (often agitated) questions/comments once their Levy Notice arrives containing an increase of GL or a Special Levy. My SC warns OC members that, unless non-attendance at AGM is genuinely unavoidable (not that that is likely to be verifiable), our SM is authorised to say they have our support in keeping any response very brief indeed, and to emphasise to them the importance of active AGM attendance. Whilst challenges would abound, the sooner some form of mandatory education in the absolute basics of strata for ALL owners is introduced, with a meaningful fine (payable to OC funds) for failing to do so the better. Wilful ignorance deserves consequences.

  2. Thanks Amanda and Natalie.
    People who own a Home in a Strata Scheme are not taking into consideration by the State, Federal government when they do not bother to impose Building Codes.
    Now we have a problems because we do not have Consumer Protection so governments can let Investors to buy our Homes and there is not much we can do about it.
    Our Strata Manager of 4 lots instead of answering a question I was asking, why did he think I was in arrears decided instead of answering the question by engaging a Debt Collector so my case was decided on the Local Court.
    The Local Court does not investigate if the Debt Collector/Strata Manager had a case but they believe that they are telling the truth so the Court engage a Sheriff Office to get involve and sell your assets if you do not pay. The nice lady from my bank who did the transfer thought that the whole thing was a Scham. Would you blame her?
    Thanks again!!

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