Karen Stiles, executive director of the Owners Corporation Network (OCN), joins me to share:

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One Response

  1. As an owner, one of my major frustrations is the lack of accountability for Strata Managers who provide incorrect information. They are typically the first point of contact when you have a problem in strata, yet there’s no consequence when they misinform you. For instance, you might be told you cannot access the strata roll due to “privacy” concerns.

    I would gladly volunteer to compile a database of VCAT hearings, listing the OC company names instead of personal names and summarizing the nature of the disputes. An additional feature could include tracking the buildings mentioned in these cases and how frequently they appear. This would help identify where and what issues are causing the most frustration.

    The database doesn’t have to be limited to VCAT cases—it could also include anonymous questions that owners post on forums.

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