Reena deals with a frustrating misunderstanding of the role of a strata manager. I share my concerns about a by-law attempting to ban solar panels and we consider why a short-term letting by-law didn’t quite make the cut.  

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5 Responses

  1. Thanks Amanda and Reena

    I already commented about my experience with a Fire Protection company in 2010. We felt that they were more interested on selling us items that we did not need instead of protecting us from a fire. Luckily in 2012 our Council was interested in advising us so a Council Officer came to advise us. We make some change to doors that were falling apart and other items but it was a waste of funds because 2 investors (1 of them was involved on the first decision) decided in 2015 to waste our strata funds.
    I don’t believe in buildings having their own bylaws because if I am correct the Strata Legislation can overruled any by law that people use to bully the rest. The same as Councils Regulations we can make all the bylaws we want to make but again the Councils can overruled those bylaws.
    The only thing we need from our State government is certainty, too many people are losing their homes because of the High Strata Levies.

    Thanks again!!

  2. The recognition of a demarcation between roles is always very complicated. It is further compounded when clients will not accept the obvious, you are not an expert in water proofing, hydraulics, structural engineering etc and can only rely upon the advice of the consultants engaged. You have the right to rely upon that advice.

  3. Opposition to Solar installation ? The usual objection is aesthetic – complete with misconceptions around the reflective qualities of panels.

    Even if blanket ban by-laws are not possible, it is still very possible for Sustainability Infrastructure Motions to be voted down merely by sowing the seeds of doubt.

    A year lost between AGM’s can be a year of energy savings lost and greenhouse gases created.

  4. Heartening to hear the question: “what’s the aim of the by-law?” and to see that the comments above acknowledge that by-laws can be used to bully residents. I am aware of a strata scheme that has recently re-drafted their garbage by-law (I think it’s garbage!) with a specific clause for “bin scavenging” in reference to the collection of bottles. Bins are on common property. A resident was collecting bottles from the recycling and the general garbage. Fury from another resident using the rationale of breach of privacy. Scavenger Resident suggested that a bottle bin be put for the 10c bottles that either they or anyone else could collect refunds from, and that private ‘stuff’ be de-identified as it was accessible to general public, not just other residents, once bins went on the street. By-law change now says nothing can be touched once it’s in the bins on common property, so our recycling bins are full of general rubbish and bottles/glass and other recycling is in the general rubbish. Is the amended by-law “harsh, unconscionable etc etc” I wonder. It hasn’t been registered yet so I’m interested to hear back from said strata whether the Scavenger Resident has a by-law breach imposed on them as they swap the newspapers from the general garbage to the recycling.

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