This week, I bust 3 myths surrounding the use of lot owners’ personal information contained within an owners corporation’s books and records. Just how private are your personal details? [reference to NSW law].

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2 Responses

  1. Can e-mail addresses and phone numbers that were part of the strata roll be deleted, so that only postal addresses are shown? I inspected first in January, e-mailed all lot owners, inspected again in August and found e-mail and telephone details were all gone. Any case law examples dealing specifically with e-mail addresses being included? Strata manager claims “we are to only provide the names and addresses on the Strata Roll.”

  2. Hi Gary,

    Thanks for your comment.

    If the owner has provided an email address and phone number to the secretary (strata manager), then those details should be on the strata roll.

    The strata manager must provide the entire strata roll to an owner inspecting the records. That is the law in NSW.

    Notwithstanding this, I OFTEN encounter precisely the situation you report. So much so that I have developed a template letter for owners to send to their strata manager, setting out the relevant law and demanding access to the complete strata roll, including email addresses.

    You can get your own copy of this template letter here:


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